Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Contemptor PIP

Updates are coming thick and fast these days, going to stop soon though. Anyway, got some work done on the contemptor for the Sons.

They had been put on ice for a while due to the nids getting some love, but I put paint to model today in a fit of procrastination.

As you can see, hes not as clean as DPA's SoH, I just couldn't get excited by that style of painting, hes in the middle of the seige of terra, there isn;t going to be time to reapply paint to chipping.

This is obviously still PIP.

Let me know what you think, and any suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.


  1. Didn't you preview the post first...?

    Anyway looking good so far, very grubby.

  2. Nope, not even a little bit.

    Thanks mate.

  3. Looks great so far mate!

    I take it you plan to give it a coat of dullcote or something to kill the shine?

    The eye on the chest looks like a lovely opportunity for a nice big gem eye too :)

    1. Thanks mate, yeah that's the plan. Still have some more pigments to add, and then he'll get a dullcote, before masking and trying my hand at airbrushing a gem effect of some kind.

  4. Loving him so far mate.
    I agree with CMDante, gotta give him a nice large blazing red eye!
