Friday, 4 September 2015

More Sons of Horus Reinforcements

Just a quick one today, I've had 3 Terminators sitting in my miniatures case half painted for ages, probably going on 18 months!

Consequently they were incredibly quick to finish off, only taking me one day of intermittent painting.

These take my current termis to 8 + a Praetor, lucky i have a Spartan to take them up the guts in.

Hopefully I will have something else to put up soon, maybe some more infinity, but the response to those was a bit muted so I don't think I'll spend too many posts on them and stick to HH and 40k.

Either way, the next few week will be quiet as the Uni year ramps up to exams, and I move house, which will obviously involve the packing of the studio (desk) and downtime before its set up again I'll need to buy a new compressor for my Airbrush too, as the industrial one I have now is inappropriate for the new apartment.

Anyone have any recommendations for a quiet compressor you can use inside?

Hopefully when I return the quality of photos will improve dramatically, I bought a Foldio2 collapsible studio on a whim, and having seen some reviews I'm confident even I can't screw it up, just need to make/buy a back ground for it.

Cheers for stopping by.


  1. Those look fantastic, man - great work!

    1. Thanks as always mate, you Would have to be my most consistent Commenter :) Thankyou

  2. These are great! The colors and weathering are well done!

    1. Thanks :) If you like these, and haven't seen the rest of the army I have alot of previous posts of them under the Sons of Horus tag.

  3. For a quiet compressor that is easily stored, portable and can be used inside you can't go wrong with this:

    I just got one myself. Hope it helps.

    1. Thanks Myles, thats a pretty high recommendation considering your considerable skill with an airbrush.

      Does the lack of a air tank affect the air pressure in any way? With the old piston compressor I had the air would begin to run hot and inconsistently after a while.

  4. The foldio2 is awesome. You'll have a blast just retaking old photos! Models look fantastic, especially given the time frame!

    1. Thanks Greg, I really hope its as good as it seems/I've read, photography has always been one of the weak spots of my forums/blogging career
